The corrupt Emperor Tiberius forces his bravest general, Marcus, to subdue the monstrous Cyclops that has been decimating the countryside...
Eric Roberts, Kevin Stapleton, Frida Farrell, Craig Archibald, Mike Straub, John Laskowski, Hristo Mitzkov, Dan Golden, David McFarland, Scoop Wasserstein, Dimitar Maslarski, Raicho Vasilev, Harry Anichkin, Ioan Banzourkov, Velizar Binev, DeMorge Brown, Dimitar Dimitrov, Nick Harvey, Tanya Kozhuharova, Trayan Milenov-Troy, Kevin Ogley, Christine Parrott, Velizar Peev, Michael Perrone, Daniel Rattiner, Alex Revan, Jennifer A. Saura, Stanimir Stamatov, Paul Stefanov, Vencislav Stojanov, Ben Wasserstein, Pam Wasserstein, Dimiter Doichinov